Wild Garlic Pesto


Recipe and Ingredients for Wild Garlic Pesto

150 g’s washed wild garlic leaves(cut off flowers)

  • 3-4 garlic cloves
  • 50 g’s grated parmesan cheese
  • juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 50 g’s of toasted pine nuts(toast for 5-6 mins at 180 C)
  • 150ml of olive oil.

Finely chop up wild garlic leaves and add them to blender or nutribullet along with the other 5 ingredients and blitz till blended and Hey Presto its Pesto!!!!!.
Store in a kilner jar in the fridge for 5 or 6 days and enjoy over fish, cheese, cold meat, pasta, chickpeas, salads or vegetables. So Natural and Immune Boosting 🌞🥗 ❤
Enjoy! Let me know if you made it and loved it on Facebook! 
Wild Garlic Pesto Recipe Mary Carmody Nutrition