3 Month Nutrition & Mindset Programme


This programme will help you TRANSFORM your health & mindset. It is the perfect programme for those wanting to get really healthy along with working on your life goals.  Mary uses the FOCUS wheel  to help you look at areas of importance for you in your life (health, work, relationships etc) and the GROW coaching model to really help you to live the life you deserve to live.

This programme is for you if you want to GET HEALTHY/HEALTHIER. It is the perfect  programme to motivate and will start your transformation on your healthy lifestyle journey.


Click here to complete the questionnaire before you begin.

  • Initial 60-minute consultation
  • 5 x 40 minute follow up consultations
  • Personalised Nutritional and lifestyle recommendations
  • Meal, recipe and supplements suggestions
  • Food diary review
  • Also covers sleep, hormonal health, stress, digestion, mood etc

Coaching, motivation, accountability and support throughout the programme to help you feel empowered to achieve your health goals and move forward to live the life of your dreams.

This Course will enable you to learn how to manage your health and maintain a healthy weight & Mindset going forward in the future.

Suitable for people looking for one to one support to get healthy. Includes meal and recipes suggestions,  food diary analysis, supplement and lifestyle recommendations tailored to suit you.