Christmassy Oat Pancakes

We made these last weekend and they are so delicious I wanted to share the recipe with you!
Healthy and Christmassy … what’s not to love!

Serves 3-4

1 1/2 cup porridge oats 
1 large ripe banana, mashed with a fork 
1 1/4 cup soy, oat, rice or almond milk 
1 egg (organic or free range) 
1/2 cup spelt or buckwheat flour (or mix of flours) 
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
A pinch of Himalayan or sea salt
(optional) 1/2 tsp cinnamon
Some Coconut oil  for frying

TIP: For saving time in the morning, you can mix batter without the banana the night before and let batter rest overnight in the fridge. Add banana to batter mix just before frying in the morning.


  1. Put all ingredients in a jug and blend with hand blender until smooth or I  normally whizz our mixture up in the nutribullet
  2.  Add oil to frying pan, and when the oil has melted add tablespoon of batter to the pan. Cook for a few minutes and flip, and cook until underside is golden.
  3.  Place cooked pancakes in the oven to keep them hot while you do the rest if needed
  4. Lovely to eat on their own or with a spoon of natural yoghurt with berries or this weekend we enjoyed with some Glenisk Coconut and Vanilla yoghurt.
  5. You could also add some dark chocolate and chopped hazelnuts to them also as after all it is CHRISTMAS !!!!

You could replace flour with more oats, for a wheat free version or use buckwheat and/or rice flour for a gluten free version.

Wishing you a very Happy and Healthy Christmas and a wonderful New Year

Mary Carmody Nutrition offers Allergy Testing at her clinic in Carrigaline.