Do you feel like you need a bit of Nutrition & Mindset Coaching this Spring?
I am doing my own personal work around looking at new simple recipes and simple tasty snacks along with changing up my exercise too which I would like to incorporate into 2022 (eat more protein, healthy fats, look at resistance training and self-care) and I have got lots of calls and emails from people asking me for similar requests (how to lower body fat, how to reduce cravings, how to lose weight and how to get and stay motivated and how to feel more energised and improve digestion etc).
With all my research, I have created a 4 Week Spring Into Energy Programme to suit all these needs. Would you like to join me on this journey?
My Spring Into Energy Programme
March 7th
Week 1
Nutrition for Positive Mindset – Blood Sugar Balancing
Simple grounding exercise, Questionnaire on how Energised do You Feel? Simple goals and the focus will be on thriving rather than just surviving !
+ Zoom Talk Live (recording available afterwards)
+ Week 1 recipes and snack suggestions
March 14th
Week 2
March 21st
Week 3
Food for Thought – Mood Foods – My top 10 Tips on how to Feed Stress and Remain Resilient.
Healthy Fats, Probiotics what are they and why do we need them?
+ Zoom Talk Live (recording available afterwards)
+ Week 1 recipes and snack suggestions
March 28th
Week 4
My Top Tips for Boosting Your Immune System
and moving forward healthy and happy!
+ Zoom Talk Live (recording available afterwards)
+ Week 1 recipes and snack suggestions
Are you ready to
Spring into Energy?
Simply click yes to sign up today!
Don’t miss your chance ..
What you get
- 4 weeks of a weekly group zoom call (calls will be recorded in case you miss them)
- 40 Simple & Quick Recipes to keep you Healthy
- Simple self help questionnaires to complete on Mood, Essential Fats, how Healthy and Energised you feel, etc
- Access to private Facebook group health handouts
- YOU will feel more energised, healthier, happier and motivated going forward
What's Involved
Just two simple steps …
Pay now €199 and complete a simple questionnaire
Popular reasons why people are joining this programme so far are:
- Having cravings for biscuits and chocolate when you know you don’t need them
- Find it hard to motivate yourself to eat better when you know you should and it will help you feel more energised and positive and enthusiastic
- Finding it hard to exercise when you know exercise is good for health and you should do it
- Procrastinating over doing things you know will make you feel good but you don't do them
- Having that glass or extra glass of wine or beer when you know on the other hand you don't want to
- Avoiding changing habits and behaviours that are not serving you e.g. not going to bed on time hence too tired to do exercise or be prepared to bring lunch to work the next day.
- Not going to bed on time so not changing that behaviour or habit that would make you feel great if you did do it
- Avoiding clearing out the old rubbish in the presses to let in the new healthier snacks and simple recipes
- Sitting on the couch when you know you should go for that walk or do that quick 15-20 minute yoga or exercise class online
- Procrastinating over doing things you know will make you feel good but you don't do them
My 4 Week Nutrition & Mindset Spring into Energy Coaching programme will help you
believe you can achieve your health and fitness goals in 2022 and
it truly works
and I will be doing it with you every step of the way!